Poems & Short Stories

The following are titles of the various poems and short stories that I have written through the years. Some are whimsical, some are thrilling, some are "deep," and some deal with my faith. To read any in particular, just click on the title of your choice and you'll be taken to its own individual page*.

  1. A Christmas Story: Santa's Amnesia (Revised) 
  2. Breathe Into Me

  3. Cherry Street Park

  4. Cow Wearing Underpants

  5. Deliverance

  6. Forever His Child

  7. He'll Carry You

  8. I Will Worship You

  9. Library Routine

  10. Little Light

  11. New Day

  12. No Time to Spare

  13. Run to Me

  14. Santa's Amnesia

  15. Shambled Soul

  16. Sleep

  17. Smile

  18. Surrender

  19. The Bells

  20. The Man With Two Names

  21. The Missing Pieces

  22. The Purpose of Facebook : A Short Parody in Chat Form 

  23. Will You Still?

  24. Wishes
*Some poems are linked to my main blog, which are where those are posted.